Sunday 14 December 2008

Theja bindu Upanishad

Theja bindu Upanishad is a yoga Upanishad which explains the transcendental meditation (TM) / atheendriya dhyaanam.

1. This practice of meditation is literally hard in nature and very difficult to practice.
2. Rigid directions and guidance are explained in this Upanishad about TM.
3. The method of controlling physical comforts and luxuries in the day to day life.
4. The practical experience and utmost feelings derived out of the TM.
5. The vacuum experienced even beyond the real aatmajnaanam or brahma saakshaathkaaram .
6. The experience of the absence of devathas, words, feelings, thoughts at this level.
7. The absence of ego, anger, revenge, fear, and so on.
8. The feeling of being freed from caste, clan, position, dharma, bhaava, and so on…. these are explained in the first
part of the Upanishad.
9. In the second part the activation of kundalini sakti is explained and the three bandhas of moola, uddheeyaana, jaalandhara bandhas is given
10 In the last part the khechari mudra and its importance are explained, further goes the relation between jeevaathma and paramaathma chaitanyam and the color of the petals of the lotus of heart, the way a parama yogi experiences at the level of TM.

Suka Rahasya Upanishad

Lord Parameswara describes in this Upanishad, the rituals and customs to Sree Suka Brahma Rushi, son of Vyasa,

1. The importance of pranava mantra, the meaning and messages of pranava are given in the beginning of the Upanishad.

2. The message of what is meant by Brahmaarpanam

3. The messages of Vedas and Veda mantras,

4. Detailed description of the mahaavakyaas which are also known as mahad vakyaas in this Upanishad.,

5. The description of japa yoga and through that the attainment of brahmajnaana are given.

6. The importance of the jnaanam /knowledge of absolute and absolute knowledge and receiving the knowledge directly from the guru are explained,

7. It is told that the knowledge should be received from the guru through ears/listening, retained in the heart and through meditation the actual realization of each mantra/ knowledge is to be obtained.

8. Acquiring knowledge on swadharma and anya dharma and attaining brahma saayujyam is narrated.

9. Finally the importance of pranava jnaanam is given.

10. In the last part of the Upanishad, importance of learning and teaching this Upanishad is given .

Sarvasaara Upanishad

Sarvasaara Upanishad gives the message of life as a discussion between the guru and the disciple. This is a small Upanishad discussing the method and pathway to realize the ultimate and absolute knowledge..

1. The attachment among the family members and bondage in the life are discussed.

2. The definition and the pathway of moksha are discussed further, for getting detachment from these bondage.

3. The true pathway is said to be the pathway of awareness and consciousness, or the pathway of knowledge/ jnaana marga.

4. The importance of experienceable knowledge; vidya and experientable knowledge avidya is described further

5. The three states of consciousness are further elaborated as jaagrath- swapana and sushupti.

6. The five layer of the human body as annamaya kosa, manonmaya kosa, vijjnaana maya kosa, anadamaya kosa and praana maya kosha are described further.

7. Detailed description of panchabhootha, pancha varga (tissues) , jeevaathama, paramaathma, brahma, aparabrahma and their presence in all living and non living beings etc.

8. Since this is the essence of other Upanishads, the name sarvasaara Upanishad is given.

9. Finally the benefits derived by studying this Upanishad are given at the end.

Kshurika Upanishad

Upanishads are the Vedanta which take us nearer to the absolute truth and ultimate truth.

1. Now we shall go through the kshurika Upanishad which is a small one discussing exclusively on the subject of yoga.

2. Kshurika means scissors . The word is used here to inform that all the bad in the mind should be removed by cutting them off as in surgery.

3. It is said here that yoga upaasana is the only method for aathma saakshaathkaaram ; the self realization

4. The method of controlling the body and mind are specified in minimum words.

5. Activation of spinal chord / the sushumna naadi and upa naadies to obtain siddhi and extra mental and physiological power. And

6. Detailed description of two types of nadies known as ida and pingala are given in this Upanishad.

7 By activating the ida and pingala nadies one can achieve extremely high level of enjoyment and power for the mind and body,

8. In the last part , again the word kshurika is used for another message of cutting of the worldly relation for getting the detachment in life for extra yogic upaasana / power.

9. Even though the pathway is difficult , says the Upanishad, this is the only method for understanding the reality of the life.

10 Finally the Upanishads end with the message that knowing the yoga can give the fullness in life.

Kalaagni Rudropanishad

One of the smallest Upanishads is the Kalaagni Rudropanishad.

1. This Upanishad explains the customs of thripundravidhi. The explanation is given by Lord Siva in the form of Kaalaagni Rudra, to Sanathkumara.

2. The custom of thripundra vidhi is nothing but the custom/ ritual practiced in bhasma dhaaranam.

3. What is the bhasmam, ? How it is important ? what are the meanings of the Bhasma dhaarana and so on…..are explained in simple lines in this Upanishad.

4. Kaalaagni Rudra tells that bhasma has five components which are the representation of pancha bhootha.

5. The pancha bhoothaas are pruthvi, ap, theja, vaayu and aakaasa..

6. Further explanation goes to say that the bhasma dharanam is an excellent method for moksha.

7. Rudra explains that thripundra dharanam itself is the bhasma dhaaranam even though it can have message beyond that.

8. In the last part of this Upanishad , it is mentioned that bhasma dhaaranam should be done in the auspicious time like thri sandhya, mantra is to be chanted during the bhasma dharnam.

9. As the phala sruthi it is mentioned that the person who studies the Upanishad will get heavenly joy in this world and also after death..

10. This is an Upanishad which tells only about a ritual, unlike other very important Upanishads which discusses about the absolute and ultimate truths of Vedanta

Kalaagni Rudropanishad

One of the smallest Upanishads is the Kalaagni Rudropanishad.

1. This Upanishad explains the customs of thripundravidhi. The explanation is given by Lord Siva in the form of Kaalaagni Rudra, to Sanathkumara.

2. The custom of thripundra vidhi is nothing but the custom/ ritual practiced in bhasma dhaaranam.

3. What is the bhasmam, ? How it is important ? what are the meanings of the Bhasma dhaarana and so on…..are explained in simple lines in this Upanishad.

4. Kaalaagni Rudra tells that bhasma has five components which are the representation of pancha bhootha.

5. The pancha bhoothaas are pruthvi, ap, theja, vaayu and aakaasa.

6. Further explanation goes to say that the bhasma dharanam is an excellent method for moksha.

7. Rudra explains that thripundra dharanam itself is the bhasma dhaaranam even though it can have message beyond that.

8. In the last part of this Upanishad , it is mentioned that bhasma dhaaranam should be done in the auspicious time like thri sandhya, mantra is to be chanted during the bhasma dharnam.

9. As the phala sruthi it is mentioned that the person who studies the Upanishad will get heavenly joy in this world and also after death.

10. This is an Upanishad which tells only about a ritual, unlike other very important Upanishads which discusses about the absolute and ultimate truths of Vedanta

Amrutha naada Upanishad

Amrutha naada Upanishad has 38 lines only.

This Upanishad explains 1. Description of the yogic state.

2. Symbolic explanation of a yogi's marching towards the Brahma padam is given.

3. The chariot used for the march (jeevitha yaathra) is omkaara, the charioteer is Mahavishnu. The road to reach the destination is meditation.

4. The resting places are rudrapooja locations and the ultimate aim is Brahma loka praapti (Brahma saakshaathkaara).

5. The six organs are like the shadangas of yoga and they arepraanaayaama, prathyahaara, dhyaana, dharana, thaaraka, samaadhi.

6. Three types of praanaayaama are explained here as the ruchira, rechaka and pooraka .

7. Three states of mind mentioned here are the dhaarana, dhaarana and samaadhi states.

8. Detailed directions are given to follow the pathway of yoga right from yogic sitting , body posture, breathing, focusing the eyes and mind, exciting the kundalini to attain a high level of the yogic state.

9. In the last part of this Upanishad, excellent description of the pancha bhootha is given as: pruthvi has five parts, ap has four, theja has three, vaayu two and aakaasa has one part ( here the part is mentioned as maatra) says the Upanishad.


This is a very small Upanishad explaining about mind in 22 lines.

1. This Upanishad tells us that there are two parts for our mind.

2. Part one is the location where all the cravings and negatives are stored which is the asuddha /impure part. Part two where all the positives are stored which is the pure part of mind.

3. Greatness of an individual is due to the active positive /pure part of the mind and people becomes negative in their nature due to the active negative part of the mind, says the Upanishad.

4. The influence of meditation in mind is greatly explained in few lines here.

5. The method of controlling the impure part of the mind through saadhana is further explained

6. The meditation is said to be possible only by controlling the negative part of the mind and then focusing omkaram through the positive part of the mind.

7. By taking the pure mind to brahmajnaana praapti level and elevating himself spiritually, the yogi can attain a level free from rebirth. Through great sacrifice also one can attain the level to become free from the rebirth

8. Vedas are the main source of knowledge and one should learn Vedas and attain higher and higher levels n spirituality.

9 Just like the butter is present in milk, the knowledge is present in Vedas and it should be taken by churning the Vedas by yoga saadhana. Just like the clay is present in all pots, the Brahma thathwam is present in all living and non living beings says this Upanishad.

10. Every one should understand that knowledge is present in every living beings and everywhere and one should realize this to become brahmajnaani, through brahma saakshaathkaara and enjoy the brahmaananda.

Mahanarayana Upanishad

Mahanarayana Upanishad is beyond the level of explaining through this message.

1. It is practically the Veda itself. The glorious mantras with sruthi give us all the messages of the Vedas.

2. There are 80 chapters in this Upanishads. All the mantras convey the social, spiritual, agricultural, psychological, scientific, and so on aspects of human life.

3. It contains the prayer , adoration of the Vedic deities, the qualities of divine power and also those yogi /scholar who can understand the divine power.

4. The adoration of prapancha purusha /cosmic form of divinity, agni, vaayu, durga, aathma, paramaathma,….can be red in the first part.

5 majority of the mantras are directly taken from the Rig-Veda and Yajurveda.

6. The praarthana of Rudra, aaditya, panchabhootha, omkaara, and so on are given with great and glorious messages.

7. The prapancha purusha and its organs are compared with the yaagagni and yaaga saala.

8. Symbolic presentation of the yagna is very attractive. 9. Great philosophical messages are conveyed through the chapters, which when pondered deep will give the messages which cannot be imagined even by the great scholars /scientists /thinkers in the modern world .

9. Every human behavior whether natural or artificial like listening /watching /talking /thinking /walking /meditating /breathing /smelling / chanting mantras /and all human activities are narrated with specific meaning in this Upanishad.

10. One can say if Mahanarayana Upanishad is studied, almost Vedic study is over as far as the message of the Vedas are concerned.

Narayana Upanishad

1. There are five mantras / stanzas in this Upanishad.

2. Here, Sree Narayana in the form of Mahavishnu is explained as the symbolic form of prapancha purusha, which is the cosmic form of the divine power /divinity.

3. From this cosmic form of Narayana evolves the energy for creation and that is represented as the Brahma or Lord Brahma.

4. Brahma is the symbolic presentation of creation with four heads representing the four dimensions ( x, y, z and time axes) needed for creation. Lord Brahma is connected with Lord Narayana /Vishnu through a lotus flower chord like the baby in the womb of the mother is connected with the mother, through which the material and energy for the growth/creation of the baby pass through. As you know for the creation, the knowledge is also needed , hence Lord Brahma is connected with Goddess Saraswati as an inseparable part like wife and husband (symbolically).

5. The Upanishad further explains that from Lord Narayana, Rudra , the god of annihilation is created and also created all the living and non living beings.

6. It gives the message that for the creation of anything and everything, the material and the energy are obtained from the prapancha purusha /Narayana.

7. Further goes the explanation that Indra ( means the mind – king of all organs), the prajaapathy, Vedas, air, water, and pancha bhootha, pancha praana, panchakarmendriyas, pancha jnaanendriyas of each and every living beings were created /evolved.

8. The explanation further goes to the upaasana /thapasya of Lord Mahavishnu and the mantras connected with.

9. The characteristics of a (Narayana upaasaka) yogi is given. He will be a great scholar who can interpret the Upanishad and forms of Lord Narayana scientifically.

10. The reward of learning (phalasruti) this Upanishad is given in the end as the best method for attaining a glorious life in this world and other world.