Wednesday, 8 October 2008


1. This Upanishad has two parts in it describing the growth of human embryo in the womb of the mother and also variety of parameters connected with human life.

2. The first part describes about pancha bhootha and gives excellent definition for the pruthvi (as solid materials) ap ( as fluid ) thejas ( which has energy /heat ) vaayu ( which flows as electrons/electricity/..) and aakaasa ( which exists as the finest particles – ions) .

3. Further descriptions goes to the six flavors (shad rasas) like, sweet /bitter/sour/saltish/ sour /pungent .

4. Then comes the composition of the body like blood, bones, muscles etc..

5. Further description about the colors and their impact on the body..

6. In the second chapter of the Garbhopanishad, the systematic growth of the embryo in the womb of the mother is narrated. In the first day the fertilization takes place as a continuation the a solid spherical shape is evolved as the embryo within 15 days.

7. The shape of the head and body evolves within 15th day and within 60 days.

8. Within 3rd month, the feet slowly separates and within 4th month the intestine, stomach and other internal organs evolve. In the 5th month eyes, nose, ears grow. And by the 8th month full growth attains and then during the 9th month the baby remains in meditation with all organs functioning steadily.

9. All the mental activities start during this period .

10 In the 10th month the baby gets its birth with all qualities of human beings. Thus ends the Garbhopanishad.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Swethaaswethara Upanishad

Swethaaswethara Upanishad is said to be written by a Rushi , Swethaaswathara. I personally think that the name Swethaaswethara cannot be the name of a Rushi, it can be only swetha and swetha ithara, which means the white and other than white ( pure and impure). This Upanishads clearly gives the messages of good and bad in the world and how a great man should take the good from the bad.

1. There are six chapters for this Upanishad.

2. Detailed description of the Brahmam is given in the first chapter, like the genesis , existence, maintenance, manifestation, manipulation of the Brahmam .

3. Variety of observations and visions of scholars about the Brahmam are given in this part.

4. the cause and solutions of happiness and unhappiness in the human life are philosophically explained.

5. The knowledge of the absolute truth about the life and philosophical approach towards life is the only solution for the happiness in the life is mentioned with example in the first and second chapter of the swethaaswetharopanishad.

6. The detailed description of Brahmam as the colorless /odorless/ formless/ shape and size less unexplainable/ indefinable…beyond the level of imagination, beyond analyses, beyond estimation etc,. are the adjective used for Brahmam , in the third chapter.

7. How the Brahmam manifest itself as the Sun, moon, stars, butterflies, birds, clouds, ocean, atmosphere, colors, cosmos …etc ( i.e. all living and non living beings) are explained in chapter four..

8. The fifth chapter describes the merits of meditation for Brahma saakshaathkaaram and brahmajnaanam.

9. The last chapter describes about the qualities and qualifications of the materials and the world due to the presence of Brahma chaithanyam in it.

10. The last lines describe about the moksha and detachment in the life to attain the heaven.