Monday, 25 August 2008


You might have heard about Emperor Janaka whose name is mentioned in almost all the Indian literature and the only name of a king mentioned in Bhagavath Geetha, by Lord Krishna as an ideal person. He became a sanyaasi (aathmajnaani) and got elevated into the level of a Maharshi. He gives the advise about the aathmajnaana to (another Maharshi) Yajnavalkhya (who composed Yajurveda)in this Upanishad.

1. Explanation is on sanyaasa , (sanyaasi = a scholarly saint).

2 He explains the knowledge of absolute truth in the universe.

3. The happiness derived for the sanyaaasi when he becomes the embodiment of the Vedic and Upanishadic knowledge.

4. Janaka explains the sacraments performed during a life term which is known as shodasa karma.

5. This shodasa samskaara or karma starts from the union of the ovum and sperm of the parents and till the last breath of the man. i.e Garbhaadanam to anthyeshti.

6. He (Janaka) explains further on mind and its multifaceted performance.

7. The control of mind and through that controlling the five sensory organs and five functional organs.

8. Analyses the mind, thought, memory, analyzing capability, intelligence and wisdom and explains in few lines are done.

9. Finally the working principle of the mind and ...

10. Getting detachment from all the worldly affairs/luxuries and relinquishing/giving up/ sacrificing from the attachments in the life.

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