Saturday, 27 September 2008

Brahma Upanishad

Now we shall go to the next Upanishad known as Brahma Upanishad ( brahmopanishad).

1. First part of this Upanishad is composed as prose and the second part in poetical style.

2. In the first part the description goes through the panchapraana: praana – apaana – vyaana- udaana and samaana, which control different parts of our body

3. The aathma is the soul about which detailed descriptions are given.

4. The relation between the aathma – paramaathma : i.e the soul and the universal energy is further narrated.

5. The three states of the mind which are jaagrath – swapna – sushupti are further described. In jaagrath state we see /listen/smell/discuss / and know all the bodily stimuli. In swapana state we dream and in the sushupti state fast eye ball movements take place in deep sleep. Thureeya state beyond all these three states

6. Detailed description of Brahma thathwam as given in other Upanishads and its (brahma) manifestation in nature, as deities (devathas) and their symbolic presentation of Brahma – Vishnu – Maheswara and so on are given for the better understanding of nature for the common man.

7. The description of the words like eeswara, devathas, prakruti, prapancha, etc is given at the end of the first part of the Upanishad.

8. In the second part, the importance of human heart where the devathas/ praana / soul / etc dell is given.

9. The importance of sacred thread (yajnopaveeetha), sikha ( tuft in the head ), the ceremony connected with the wearing of sacred thread (upanayanam) for all the castes , the meditation procedures to be adopted for the realization of divinity in self are demonstrated.

10. It is described that once a person has attained the status of a yogi, he can experience the divinity like he can see the waves in the ocean, oil in sesame seeds, through transcendental meditation. Says the Upanishads.

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