Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Advaya thaaraka Upanishad.

This is the 10th Upanishad of Sukla Yajurveda.

Control of mind and words is described systematically in this book.

Concentration of mind, meditation and through this pathway attaining the level of a yogi are described in the first part.

The greatness of thaaraka mantra and the benefits derived from this mantra.

The yogi who has the knowledge of this Upanishad is known as the thaaraka yogi.

It is described here that there are two levels for the thaaraka yogies, the moortha and amoortha level.

It is said that the moortha thaaraka yoga level is the one in which the mind is taken to the highest level

In the amoortha thaaraka level the wisdom /intellectual capacity is taken to the highest level.

In he final state these yogis (both) attain the brahma saakshaathkaaram through experienceable level of Brahma jnaana.

In the last part (of this Upanishad), it has been explained that anyone can attain a level beyond the human capacity by practicing this thaaraka yoga.

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