Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Paramahamsa Upanishad

The 4th Upanishad of the Sukla Yajurveda is the Paramahamsa Upanishad. It describes the status of the paramahamsa Rushi/ ypgi. You may remember the names of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Parama hamsa yogananda. A Rushi, through continuous saadhana reaches a status known as hamsa rushi as described in the last post.

When Hamasa rushi elevates through further upaasana and saadhana, he becomes paramahamsa Rushi. The status of ‘ paramahamsa’ is described through 4 chapters in the Paramahamsa Upanishad. This is given as a discussion between the Maharshi Narada and Lord Brahma.

The first chapter describes that there may be one or two paramahamsa yogi (es) only during a particular era. He (they) must have attained the highest status that a human being can attain in spirituality. He will have complete brahma jnaanam and a level of brahmajnaani.

In the second chapter the explanation is given on how a paramahamsa yogi reacts / responses towards happiness-sorrow, criticism- appreciation, heat-cold, enemies-friends, and so on. His level of ego, anger, fear, expectations, etc is narrated beautifully here.

In the third chapter description is given on how the yogi becomes free from all the type of expectations, (nissangathwam) and attains the realization of jeevaathma chaithanyam and sathyajnaanam.

In the last chapter, the description further goes deep into the reponses of the yogi towards his own environment and towards the comments of the people like appreciations, criticisms, praising, etc. How he attains a status of unattached towards anything in this world is described.

It is said that he has nothing like manthra /dhyaana/ upaasana / this worldly attachments / another world / luxuries / nor any aims or worries except experiencing the brahmaananda. This status is the parama hamsa status described in the Upanishad.

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