Tuesday, 22 July 2008


This is the 9th Upanishad in the series of Sukla yajurvedic Upanishads

The subject matter yoga is presented, in five chapters, as a discussion between surya deva and Maharshi yajnavalkhya.

Each chapter is known as a brahmana.

In the first chapter four yamaas and nine niyamas (Patanjali has given five yamas and five niyamaas), six yogaasanas and their spiritual, physical, psychological and social benefits are described in detail.

In the second chapter of the Upanishad, detailed description of pancha bootha, significance of pranavamanthra chanting, yoga mudras, intellectual growth, spiritual realization, nirvikalpa samaadhi and brahmajnaana labdhi are given.

In the third chapter, four states of an individual; jaagrath, swapna, sushupti and thureeya are described ( this is an important subject in modern psychology).

The pathway for relinquishing from the luxurious life by focusing on spiritual points and elevating through dhyaana and attaining the kaivalya state through saadhana are the other subject described in this chapter.

In the 4th chapter, five types of aakaasas are described (there is no equivalent word for aakaasa in English). They are sooryaakaasa, Paramaakaasa, paraakaasa, mahaakaasa and aakaasa.

In the 5th chapter controlling and guiding the mind, focusing on the divine power, greatness and glory of the nirvikalpa yogi and the customs and rituals to be practiced by that yogi are discussed.

The spiritual, physical, psychological, social and other benefits derived through the nirvikalpa yoga and atheendriya dhyaana are discussed at the end of the Mandala brahmana Upanishad.

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