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Hundreds of questions are asked about various aspects of Hindu dharma. Answering all these questions may not be possible always. Many of the questions have different answers. The answers may also vary because different Rishies might have given different answers for the acharas, vicharas, sankalpas and traditions. Some of the questions should be answered through spiritual angle and some through psychological and so on are the facts which should be kept in the mind while answering any question. One should also understand the level of knowledge answer seekers while answering the questions or clarifying the doubts. Keeping all these facts in mind, I am trying to give a compilation of the answers of the questions asked to me during the last few years, by the people from all walks of life.
These answers need not be final. They are only guide lines for the reader to seek better answers. Studying sanathana dharma, through questions and answers is impossible, because sanathana dharma gives an entirely different approach and vision of life. Hence comparison of the facts and figures given in sanathana dharma with the texts or traditions of any other religion will only confuse the audience. Hence the approach adopted here is just give a rational explanation for the questions in the light of science. When I say science, it includes sociology, psychology, physics, chemistry, physiology, biochemistry and so on. Sometimes the readers may feel that instead of getting an answer, they are getting the application. True it is also aimed at in this book.
The heritage subjects of Bharath can be classified generally under customs and rituals, the Indian spirituality, the heritage literature and also the scientific and technological knowledge. Of this the scientific and technological heritage of
They should know what is what about
I feel specially indebted to Sri. Ramakrishnan Nair, Sree Printers, who has done the perfect job of printing all the books of IISH with utmost sincerity and devotion.
In the service of the motherland
What is Hinduism ?
The puraanas tell that Himalayam samaarabhya yaavath indu sarovaram tham deva nirmitham desam hindustanam prachakshathey. The nation which starts from Himalayas and ends in
How the ‘Hindus’ are defined ?
Aa sindo sindu paryantham yasya bhartha bhoomikam maathru bhoo pitru bhoo schaiva sa vai hindu riti smruthaa: Those who consider and respect the country which extends from Indus valley ( sindu river ) upto Indian ocean as their motherland, father land or holy land, they are the Hindus. (all those consider Bhratham as their own mother/father/holy land they are the Hindus)
Why it is said that Hinduism is not a religion ?
It is not created by an individual / prophet/ Rishi. So it is not the opinion (matham) or advise of an individual. So it is not a religion. It is the contribution of thousands of Rishies.
Who created Hinduism?
Thousands of Rishies, during the course of thousands of years could formulate a perfect style/way of thinking and practicing various aspects and concepts in the life. Those are codified as the customs and rituals or in short acharas. These acharas combined together form the dharma . Dharma is the way of life. So Hinduism is the way of life.
Why it is known as sanathana dharma?
Sanathana word means ( according to Bhagavath geetha) the one which cannot be destroyed by any method and the one which is ever existing in everything which is immovable and non perishable is the sanaathanam. So this dharma is ever existing and it cannot be destroyed . So it is sanaathanam.
Is it not true that something which has a beginning , has an end also ?
It is true for the one which has a beginning. Sanathana dharma does not have a beginning so it will not have an end also. If it starts decaying someone /avathara will come to protect and energize to bring back the dharma with all its positive results as it is told in Bhagavath Geetha.
What is the meaning of Dharma ?
Dharma is the one which is guiding, protecting, supporting, …you . Dharanaath dharma …the one which is protecting you is dharma.
Can we say Hinduism and sanaathana dharma are the same ?
Yes! They are the same and remember that there is nothing like Hinduism . It is an English word created by the foreigners. There are communism, socialism and capitalism but nothing like Hinduism.
Why some people call it a religion?
When other pathways are known as ‘religion’, like the one based on Jesus, Mohammed and so on, use of a similar word may help others to understand our dharma easily if the word Hinduism is used. Hence people, particularly the British started using the word Hinduism. Now everyone is using the same.
Is the word Indian and Hindu synonym ?
Definitely yes. According to the definition, the word ‘Indian’ is same as Hindu. Majority of the politicians may not agree with that. Because they are full of wrong impressions created during the last 250 years of foreign rule.
Then where the Indian Christians and Muslim will fit in ?
They are also Hindus. They are Hindu Christians and Hindu Muslims. Just like we say American Christian, Pakistani Muslim, etc.
When was Hindu dharma started?
None knows the answer. According the archeological evidence, the Vedas might have got composed sometimes like 6000 - 8000 BC, in the present form. So the dharma might have formed earlier to this. Since it is a way of life, none can trace the beginning point of the dharma. If it would have been a contribution of some individual, we can say from the period of that individual. Here that approach focusing an individual is not possible
What are the archeological evidences on sanathana dharma ?
The archeological studies carried out in Kalibhangan, Bhagavan pura, Mehargarh, etc show that the oldest artifacts available are of the period BC 8250. So we can presume the Hindu civilization or the one something similar to that started blooming during then. There may be difference of opinion for this comment.
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